Config settings and state

Saving application state is a common requirement for desktop apps. TornadoFX has several features which facilitates saving of UI state, preferences and general app configuration settings.

The config helper

Each component can have arbitrary configuration settings that will be saved as property files in a folder called conf inside the current program folder.

Below is a login screen example where login credentials are stored in the view specific config object.

class LoginScreen : View() {
    val loginController: LoginController by inject()
    val username = SimpleStringProperty(this, "username", config.string("username"))
    val password = SimpleStringProperty(this, "password", config.string("password"))

    override val root = form {
       fieldset("Login") {
           field("Username:") { textfield(username) }
           field("Password:") { textfield(password) }
           buttonbar {
                button("Login").action {
                    runAsync {
                        loginController.tryLogin(username.value, password.value)
                    } ui { success ->
                        if (success) {
                            with(config) {
                                 set("username" to username.value)
                                 set("password" to password.value)

    fun showMainScreen() {
        // hide LoginScreen and show the main UI of the application

Login screen with credentials stored in the view specific config object

The UI is defined with the TornadoFx type safe builders, which basically contains a form with two TextField's and a Button.
When the view is loaded, we assign the username and password values from the config object.
These values might be null at this point, if no prior successful login was performed.
We then bind the username and password to the corresponding TextField's.

Last but not least, we define the action for the login button. Upon login, it calls the loginController#tryLogin function which takes the username and password from the StringBindings (which represent the input of the TextFields),
calls out to the service and returns true or false.

If the result is true, we update the username and password in the config object and calls save on it. Finally, we call showMainScreen which could hide the login screen and show the main screen of the application.

Please not that the above example is not a best practice for storing sensitive data, it merely illustrates how you can use the config object.

Data types and default values

config also supports other data types. It is a nice practice to wrap multiple operations on the config object in a with block.

// Assign to x, default to 50.0
var x = config.double("x", 50.0)

var showPrices = config.boolean("showPrices", boolean)

with (config) {
    set("x", root.layoutX)
    set("showPrices", showPrices)

ItemViewModel in conjunction with the config helper

The config helper can be seamlessly integrated with ItemViewModel described in Editing Models and Validation.

import tornadofx.*

data class Credentials(val username: String, val password: String)

class CredentialsModel : ItemViewModel<Credentials>() {
    val KEY_USERNAME = "username"
    val KEY_PASSWORD = "password"
    val KEY_REMEMBER = "remember"

    val username = bind { SimpleStringProperty(item?.username, "", config.string(KEY_USERNAME)) }
    val password = bind { SimpleStringProperty(item?.password, "", config.string(KEY_PASSWORD)) }
    val remember = SimpleBooleanProperty(config.boolean(KEY_REMEMBER) ?: false)

    override fun onCommit() {
        // Save credentials only if the fields are successfully validated
        if (remember.value) {
            // and the checkbox is selected
            with(config) {
                set(KEY_USERNAME to username.value)
                set(KEY_PASSWORD to password.value)

class LoginScreen : View() {
    private val model = CredentialsModel()

    override val root = form {
        fieldset("Login") {
            field("Username:") { textfield(model.username).required() }
            field("Password:") { passwordfield(model.password).required() }
            checkbox("Remember credentials", model.remember).action {
                // Save the state every time its value is changed
                with(model.config) {
                    set(model.KEY_REMEMBER to model.remember.value)
            buttonbar {
                button("Reset").action {
                button("Login").action {
                    // Save credentials every time user attempts to login
                    model.commit {
                        runAsync {
                            // Try logging in
                            if (model.username.value == "admin" && model.password.value == "secret")
                                "Log in successful"
                            else throw Exception("Invalid credentials")
                        } success { response ->
                            information("Info", response)
                        } fail {
                            error("Error", it.message)

class LoginScreenApp : App(LoginScreen::class)

This sample app utilizes ItemViewModel for validating the required fields and depending on the state of "Remember credentials" checkbox saves provided credentials each time user attempts to login. However state of the checkbox itself is saved each time the state changes. For encapsulation purposes the sample app uses config asociated with the CredentialsModel class.

Note that the underlying store for config is a java.util.Properties object, which does not allow null values. For that reason, null values are not accepted in config.

Configurable config path

The App class can override the default path for config files by overriding configBasePath.

class MyApp : App(WelcomeView::class) {
    override val configBasePath = Paths.get("/etc/myapp/conf")

The path can also be relative, which means the path will be created inside the current working directory. By default, the base path is conf.

Override config path per component

By default, a file called is created inside the configBasePath. This can be overriden per component:

class MyView : View() {
    override val configPath = Paths.get("some/other/path/")

You can also create the View spesific config file below the configBasePath, which would make sense in most situations. You do this by accessing the App class through the app property of the View.

class MyView : View() {
    override val configPath = app.configBasePath.resolve("")

Global application config

The App class also has a config property and a corresponding configPath property. By default, the configuration for the app class is named app.config. This can be overridden the same way you do for a View config.

The global configuration can be accessed by any component at any time in the life cycle of the application. Simply access app.config from anywhere to read or write your global configuration.

JSON configuration settings

The config object supports JsonObject, JsonArray and JsonModel. You set them using config.set("key" to value) and retrieve them using config.jsonObject("key"), config.jsonArray("key") and config.jsonModel("key").

The preferences helper

As the config helper stores the information in a folder called conf per component (view, controller) the preferences helper will save settings into an OS specific way. In Windows systems they will be stored HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/JavaSoft/.... on Mac os in ~/Library/Preferences/ and on Linux system in ~/.java. Where the config helper saves per component. The preferences helper is meant to be used application wide:

preferences("application") {
   putBoolean("boolean", true)
   putString("String", "a string")

Retrieving preferences:

var bool: Boolean = false
var str: String = ""
preferences("test app") {
    bool = getBoolean("boolean key", false)
    str = get("string", "")

The preferences helper is a TornadoFX builder around java.util.Preferences

results matching ""

    No results matching ""